Born in Paris [1978], he studied architecture at Ecole d 'Architecture Paris-Malaquais [2003], with postgraduate studies in Proyectos Arquitectinicos, ETSAB, U.P.C. Barcelona (Doctoral Degree, [2009]). His research focuses on the critical interdisciplinary approach to architectural and urban design (WP CIMES-UIA, [2004-]). He has curated, taught and participated in research programs and workshops, (between others: "CHANGING LANDSCAPES", UTH [2011], "URBAN TRANSCRIPTS", UTH, [2013], "INTERMEDIATE CITY_ CONSTELATION CITIES, UIA UTH, [2014] ", and "Re-activated SPACE ", UOI, [2019]). In 2009, he founded in collaboration with Demi Maniaki “Man.Ga. Achitects ” office, their architectural work is published in Greece and abroad. His recent research work focuses on Urban Sets Transformation Vs "Urban Process" [2018-]. His texts, articles and online publications on urban design, architectural design, theoretical approaches and cinema have been published in Greece, France and Spain.
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University Of Ioannina
Department of Architecture
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45110 Ioannina, Greece
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