Yorgos Rimenidis (b. 1981, Drama) studied Architecture at the University of Thessaly (UTh, 2011) and then completed the postgraduate program “Architectural Design–Space–Culture” at the National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A., 2018). He has taught at the Department of Culture, Creative Media & Creative Industries, and at the Department of Architecture (U.Th.) at both the undergraduate and postgraduate programs of studies, as well as at the postgraduate program at the N.T.U.A. He has participated as an independent researcher in architecture theory, design and anthropology research pro-grams. He is the founder of Grid Office where his current activities involve any-scale de-sign projects, experimental architecture configuration as well as the wide spectrum of vis-ual communication and book design. His work has been published and exhibited world-wide.
Office hours: Δευτέρα: Παπαζόγλειος ΠΟ3, Τρίτη: Μεταβατικό Μ3 & Τετάρτη: Παπαζόγλειος ΠΟ3. Κατόπιν συνεννόησης.
University Of Ioannina
Department of Architecture
Administration Building
University Campus
45110 Ioannina, Greece
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