Γνωστικό αντικείμενο: Αρχιτεκτονικός σχεδιασμός, επινόηση και εφαρμογή.
He was born in 1968 and graduated from the Department of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece in 1993 where has been awarded a two-years scholarship. He was nominated as a PhD candidate on “Constructivism and Deconstruction, Architectures of Theory."
Apostolos Panos is an architect based in Athens and he co-founded K3 associated architects.
Since 2015 he serves as an adjunct lecturer at the Department of Architecture, University of Ioannina and since 1998 as a tutor at the Department of Interior Architecture and Design at AKTO-Middlesex University.
He has been awarded in nine International and Greek architectural competitions, with two 1st prizes, three 2nd prizes and 4 special mentions, and he has also participated in various exhibitions and conferences.
His research interests revolve around invention and application, theory and practice, social consciousness and established practices, or in the words of M. Foucault, words and things.
This parallel exploration within the field of architectural design, both as an imprint of spatial organization and as a technical management which, aspiring to transcend the concept of means, is transformed into an expressive purpose, inevitably leads to the concept of intersection.
The point of revelation or even the way of concealing the interconnected relationship between structure and form.
This is, as M. Heidegger points out, the tectonic element of architecture in which art has been hidden since ancient times and continues to be hidden even today, and even more decisively, in the technical element of engineering.
Office hours: Τρίτη 14:00-17:00 & Τετάρτη 09.00-12.00 Παπαζόγλειος Γραφείο Καθηγητών (κατόπιν επικοινωνίας)
University Of Ioannina
Department of Architecture
Administration Building
University Campus
45110 Ioannina, Greece
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